Our team

ANAQUANT gets its strong expertise in Biologics and Biomarkers analysis from its team members.

“We have a solid experience in analysis by mass spectrometry.”



Tanguy FORTIN, PhD, CEO and founder

Tanguy passed his PhD focused on targeted Proteomics in 2009 in partnership with Biomérieux and Lyon University. Then, he developed the mass spectrometry platform in Biomérieux, Lyon. Driven by an entrepreneurship state of mind, Tanguy founded ANAQUANT in 2014 to assist pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies in their pre-clinical research. Tanguy is ANAQUANT CEO and brings everyday his scientific and managerial skills to his team.


Chloé BARDET, PhD, Operations manager bioanalytical services

Chloé made her PhD at Biomérieux in close partnership with the Hospital of Limoges and the Anti-Invectives laboratory. She worked on development of new analytical tools for clinical diagnostic by LC-MS in order to help healing patients with the correct treatment. She has a strong background in Microbiology and targeted Mass spectrometry. She joined ANAQUANT in 2015 as project manager.


Laura Herment, MSc, New product development manager

In order to speed up the R&D department, Anaquant completed its team with her skills in 2018. Her previous experiences abroad and inside one of the biggest international pharmaceutical company improved her analytical and innovative mind. Curious and motivate, she enjoys contributing to expand our company and develop the best solutions for our customers.


Xavier HOMO, MSc, Project manager

Xavier has a Master of Sciences in biology and biotechnologies. He is currently working at ANAQUANT as an analytical development project manager in LC-MS. Like his fellow workers,, he enjoys the interaction with clients and he makes a point of honor to understand their specific problems. Previously, he worked in the fundamental research on proteomic assays, then he worked in a preclinical and clinical laboratory for 5 years.


Anne Laure Simon, PhD, Project manager


Hery D. Ratsima, PhD, Head of Business Development


Jérôme LEMOINE, Professor at Lyon University, co-founder and science adviser

Jérôme Lemoine is Professor at Lyon 1 University, head of the bioMolecular Mass Spectrometry team in the Institut des Sciences Analytiques. He was appointed an Associate Professor at Lille University in 1993, and then as Professor of Biochemistry in 2001. He moved to Lyon in 2004 with the objective of developing a multidisciplinary team in the field of biological mass spectrometry. Jérôme was part of ANAQUANT foundation in 2014 and he brings everyday his knowledge and expertise to the team.

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